/** * jquery skitter slideshow * @name jquery.skitter.js * @description slideshow * @author thiago silva ferreira - http://thiagosf.net * @version 5.1.8 * @created august 04, 2010 * @updated apr 6, 2020 * @copyright (c) 2010 thiago silva ferreira - http://thiagosf.net * @license dual licensed under the mit or gpl version 2 licenses * @example http://thiagosf.net/projects/jquery/skitter/ */ ;(function (factory) { if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { define(['jquery'], function ($) { return factory($); }); } else if (typeof module === "object" && typeof module.exports === "object") { exports = factory(require('jquery')); } else { factory(jquery); } })(function($) { var number_skitter = 0; var skitters = []; $.fn.skitter = function(options) { if (typeof options == 'string') { var current_skitter = skitters[$(this).data('skitter_number')]; return current_skitter[arguments[0]].call(current_skitter, arguments[1]); } else { return this.each(function() { if ( $(this).data('skitter_number') == undefined ) { $(this).data('skitter_number', number_skitter); skitters.push(new $sk(this, options, number_skitter)); ++number_skitter; } }); } }; var defaults = { // animation velocity velocity: 1, // interval between transitions interval: 2500, // default animation animation: '', // numbers display numbers: false, // navigation display navigation: false, // label display label: true, // easing default easing_default: '', // the skitters box (internal) skitter_box: null, // @deprecated time_interval: null, // image link (internal) images_links: null, // actual image (internal) image_atual: null, // actual link (internal) link_atual: null, // actual label (internal) label_atual: null, // actual target (internal) target_atual: '_self', // skitter width (internal) width_skitter: null, // skitter height (internal) height_skitter: null, // image number loop (internal) image_i: 1, // is animating (internal) is_animating: false, // is hover skitter_box (internal) is_hover_skitter_box: false, // smart randomly (internal) random_ia: null, // randomly sliders show_randomly: false, // navigation with thumbs thumbs: false, // hide numbers and navigation hide_tools: false, // fullscreen mode fullscreen: false, // loading data from xml file xml: false, // navigation with dots dots: true, // final opacity of elements in hide_tools opacity_elements: 0.75, // interval animation hover elements hide_tools interval_in_elements: 200, // interval animation out elements hide_tools interval_out_elements: 300, // onload callback onload: null, // function call to change image imageswitched: null, // @deprecated max_number_height: 20, // alignment of numbers/dots/thumbs numbers_align: 'center', // preview with dots preview: false, // focus slideshow focus: false, // focus active (internal) foucs_active: false, // option play/pause manually controls: false, // displays progress bar progressbar: false, // css progress bar progressbar_css: {}, // is paused (internal) is_paused: false, // is blur (internal) is_blur: false, // is paused time (internal) is_paused_time: false, // time start (internal) time_start: 0, // elapsed time (internal) elapsedtime: 0, // stop animation to move mouse over it. stop_over: true, // enable navigation keys enable_navigation_keys: false, // specific animations with_animations: [], // function call to go over the navigation buttons // mouseoverbutton: function() { $(this).stop().animate({opacity:0.5}, 200); }, mouseoverbutton: null, // function call to go out the navigation buttons // mouseoutbutton: function() { $(this).stop().animate({opacity:1}, 200); }, mouseoutbutton: null, // sets whether the slideshow will start automatically auto_play: true, // label animation type label_animation: 'slideup', // theme theme: null, // structure (internal) structure: 'prev' + 'next' + '' + '
' + '
' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
', // responsive // example: // responsive: { // small: { // animation: 'fade', // max_width: 768, // suffix: '-small' // }, // medium: { // animation: 'fadefour', // max_width: 1024, // suffix: '-medium' // } // } responsive: { small: { animation: 'fade', max_width: 768 }, medium: { max_width: 1024 } } }; $.skitter = function(obj, options, number) { this.skitter_box = $(obj); this.timer = null; this.settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options || {}); this.number_skitter = number; this.setup(); }; // shortcut var $sk = $.skitter; $sk.fn = $sk.prototype = {}; $sk.fn.extend = $.extend; $sk.fn.extend({ // available animations animations: [ 'cube', 'cuberandom', 'block', 'cubestop', 'cubestoprandom', 'cubehide', 'cubesize', 'horizontal', 'showbars', 'showbarsrandom', 'tube', 'fade', 'fadefour', 'paralell', 'blind', 'blindheight', 'blindwidth', 'directiontop', 'directionbottom', 'directionright', 'directionleft', 'cubespread', 'glasscube', 'glassblock', 'circles', 'circlesinside', 'circlesrotate', 'cubeshow', 'upbars', 'downbars', 'hidebars', 'swapbars', 'swapbarsback', 'swapblocks', 'cut' ], /** * init */ setup: function() { var self = this; // fullscreen if (this.settings.fullscreen) { var width = $(window).width(); var height = $(window).height(); this.skitter_box.width(width).height(height); this.skitter_box.css({'position':'absolute', 'top':0, 'left':0, 'z-index':1000}); this.settings.stop_over = false; $('body').css({'overflown':'hidden'}); } this.settings.width_skitter = parsefloat(this.skitter_box.css('width')); this.settings.height_skitter = parsefloat(this.skitter_box.css('height')); this.settings.original_width_skitter = this.settings.width_skitter; this.settings.original_height_skitter = this.settings.height_skitter; if (!this.settings.width_skitter || !this.settings.height_skitter) { console.warn('width or height size is null! - skitter slideshow'); return false; } // theme if ( this.settings.theme ) { this.skitter_box.addclass('skitter-' + this.settings.theme); } // structure html this.skitter_box.append(this.settings.structure); // settings this.settings.easing_default = this.geteasing(this.settings.easing); if (this.settings.velocity >= 2) this.settings.velocity = 1.3; if (this.settings.velocity <= 0) this.settings.velocity = 1; this.skitter_box.find('.info_slide').hide(); this.skitter_box.find('.label_skitter').hide(); this.skitter_box.find('.prev_button').hide(); this.skitter_box.find('.next_button').hide(); this.skitter_box.find('.container_skitter').width(this.settings.width_skitter); this.skitter_box.find('.container_skitter').height(this.settings.height_skitter); var initial_select_class = ' image_number_select', u = 0; this.settings.images_links = []; // add image, link, animation type and label var addimagelink = function (link, src, animation_type, label, target) { self.settings.images_links.push([src, link, animation_type, label, target]); if (self.settings.thumbs) { var dimension_thumb = ''; if (self.settings.width_skitter > self.settings.height_skitter) { dimension_thumb = 'height="100"'; } else { dimension_thumb = 'width="100"'; } self.skitter_box.find('.info_slide').append( ' ' ); } else { self.skitter_box.find('.info_slide').append( ''+u+' ' ); } initial_select_class = ''; }; // load from xml if (this.settings.xml) { $.ajax({ type: 'get', url: this.settings.xml, async: false, datatype: 'xml', success: function(xml) { var ul = $(''); $(xml).find('skitter slide').each(function(){ ++u; var link = ($(this).find('link').text()) ? $(this).find('link').text() : '#'; var src = $(this).find('image').text(); var animation_type = $(this).find('image').attr('type'); var label = $(this).find('label').text(); var target = ($(this).find('target').text()) ? $(this).find('target').text() : '_self'; addimagelink(link, src, animation_type, label, target); }); } }); } // load from json else if (this.settings.json) { } // load from html else { this.skitter_box.find('ul li').each(function(){ ++u; var link = ($(this).find('a').length) ? $(this).find('a').attr('href') : '#'; var src = $(this).find('img').attr('src'); var animation_type = $(this).find('img').attr('class'); var label = $(this).find('.label_text').html(); var target = ($(this).find('a').length && $(this).find('a').attr('target')) ? $(this).find('a').attr('target') : '_self'; addimagelink(link, src, animation_type, label, target); }); } // thumbs if (self.settings.thumbs && !self.settings.fullscreen) { self.skitter_box.find('.info_slide').addclass('info_slide_thumb'); var width_info_slide = (u + 1) * self.skitter_box.find('.info_slide_thumb .image_number').outerwidth(); self.skitter_box.find('.info_slide_thumb').width(width_info_slide); self.skitter_box.css({height:self.skitter_box.height() + self.skitter_box.find('.info_slide').outerheight()}); self.skitter_box.append('
'); var copy_info_slide = self.skitter_box.find('.info_slide').clone(); self.skitter_box.find('.info_slide').remove(); self.skitter_box.find('.container_thumbs') .width(self.settings.width_skitter) .append(copy_info_slide); // scrolling with mouse movement var width_image = 0, width_skitter = this.settings.width_skitter, height_skitter = this.settings.height_skitter, w_info_slide_thumb = 0, info_slide_thumb = self.skitter_box.find('.info_slide_thumb'), x_value = 0, y_value = self.skitter_box.offset().top; info_slide_thumb.find('.image_number').each(function(){ width_image += $(this).outerwidth(); }); info_slide_thumb.width(width_image+'px'); w_info_slide_thumb = info_slide_thumb.outerwidth(); width_value = this.settings.width_skitter; width_value = width_skitter - 100; if (width_info_slide > self.settings.width_skitter) { self.skitter_box.mousemove(function(e){ x_value = self.skitter_box.offset().left + 90; var x = e.pagex, y = e.pagey, new_x = 0; x = x - x_value; y = y - y_value; novo_width = w_info_slide_thumb - width_value; new_x = -((novo_width * x) / width_value); if (new_x > 0) new_x = 0; if (new_x < -(w_info_slide_thumb - width_skitter)) new_x = -(w_info_slide_thumb - width_skitter); if (y > height_skitter) { info_slide_thumb.css({left: new_x}); } }); } self.skitter_box.find('.scroll_thumbs').css({'left':10}); if (width_info_slide < self.settings.width_skitter) { self.skitter_box.find('.box_scroll_thumbs').hide(); var class_info = '.info_slide'; switch (self.settings.numbers_align) { case 'center' : var _vleft = (self.settings.width_skitter - self.skitter_box.find(class_info).outerwidth()) / 2; self.skitter_box.find(class_info).css({'left': '50%', 'transform': 'translatex(-50%)'}); break; case 'right' : self.skitter_box.find(class_info).css({'left':'auto', 'right':'-5px'}); break; case 'left' : self.skitter_box.find(class_info).css({'left':'0px'}); break; } } } else { var class_info = '.info_slide'; if (self.settings.dots) { self.skitter_box.find('.info_slide').addclass('info_slide_dots').removeclass('info_slide'); class_info = '.info_slide_dots'; } switch (self.settings.numbers_align) { case 'center' : var _vleft = (self.settings.width_skitter - self.skitter_box.find(class_info).outerwidth()) / 2; self.skitter_box.find(class_info).css({'left': '50%', 'transform': 'translatex(-50%)'}); break; case 'right' : self.skitter_box.find(class_info).css({'left':'auto', 'right':'15px'}); break; case 'left' : self.skitter_box.find(class_info).css({'left':'15px'}); break; } if (!self.settings.dots) { if (self.skitter_box.find('.info_slide').outerheight() > 20) { self.skitter_box.find('.info_slide').hide(); } } } this.skitter_box.find('ul').hide(); if (this.settings.show_randomly) this.settings.images_links.sort(function(a,b) {return math.random() - 0.5;}); this.settings.image_atual = this.settings.images_links[0][0]; this.settings.link_atual = this.settings.images_links[0][1]; this.settings.label_atual = this.settings.images_links[0][3]; this.settings.target_atual = this.settings.images_links[0][4]; if (this.settings.images_links.length > 1) { this.skitter_box.find('.prev_button').click(function() { if (self.settings.is_animating == false) { self.settings.image_i -= 2; if (self.settings.image_i == -2) { self.settings.image_i = self.settings.images_links.length - 2; } else if (self.settings.image_i == -1) { self.settings.image_i = self.settings.images_links.length - 1; } self.jumptoimage(self.settings.image_i); } return false; }); this.skitter_box.find('.next_button').click(function() { self.jumptoimage(self.settings.image_i); return false; }); self.skitter_box.find('.next_button, .prev_button').bind('mouseover', self.settings.mouseoverbutton); self.skitter_box.find('.next_button, .prev_button').bind('mouseleave', self.settings.mouseoutbutton); this.skitter_box.find('.image_number').click(function(){ if ($(this).attr('class') != 'image_number image_number_select') { var imagenumber = parseint($(this).attr('rel')); self.jumptoimage(imagenumber); } return false; }); // preview with dots if (self.settings.preview && self.settings.dots) { var preview = $('
'); for (var i = 0; i < this.settings.images_links.length; i++) { var li = $('
  • '); var img = $(''); img.attr('src', this.settings.images_links[i][0]); li.append(img); preview.find('ul').append(li); } var width_preview_ul = parseint(this.settings.images_links.length * 100); preview.find('ul').width(width_preview_ul); $(class_info).append(preview); self.skitter_box.find(class_info).find('.image_number').mouseenter(function() { if (self.islargedevice()) { var _left_info = parsefloat(self.skitter_box.find(class_info).offset().left); var _left_image = parsefloat($(this).offset().left); var _left_preview = (_left_image - _left_info) - 43; var rel = parseint($(this).attr('rel')); var image_current_preview = self.skitter_box.find('.preview_slide_current img').attr('src'); var _left_ul = -(rel * 100); self.skitter_box.find('.preview_slide').find('ul').animate({left: _left_ul}, {duration:200, queue: false, easing: 'easeoutsine'}); self.skitter_box.find('.preview_slide').fadeto(1,1).animate({left: _left_preview}, {duration:200, queue: false}); } }); self.skitter_box.find(class_info).mouseleave(function() { if (self.islargedevice()) { $('.preview_slide').animate({opacity: 'hide'}, {duration: 200, queue: false}); } }); } } // focus if (self.settings.focus) { self.focusskitter(); } // constrols if (self.settings.controls) { self.setcontrols(); } // progressbar if (self.settings.progressbar && self.settings.auto_play) { self.addprogressbar(); } // hide_tools if (self.settings.hide_tools) { self.hidetools(); } // navigation keys if (self.settings.enable_navigation_keys) { self.enablenavigationkeys(); } this.loadimages(); this.setresponsive(); this.settouchsupport(); }, /** * load images */ loadimages: function () { var self = this; var loading = $('
    '); var total = this.settings.images_links.length; var u = 0; this.skitter_box.append(loading); for (var i in this.settings.images_links) { var self_il = this.settings.images_links[i]; var src = self.getimagename(self_il[0]); var img = new image(); $(img).on('load', function () { ++u; if (u == total) { self.skitter_box.find('.skitter-spinner').remove(); self.start(); } }).on('error', function () { self.skitter_box.find('.skitter-spinner, .image_number, .next_button, .prev_button').remove(); self.skitter_box.html('

    error loading images. one or more images were not found.

    '); }).attr('src', src); } }, /** * start skitter */ start: function() { var self = this; var init_pause = false; if (this.settings.numbers || this.settings.thumbs) this.skitter_box.find('.info_slide').fadein(500); if (this.settings.dots) this.skitter_box.find('.info_slide_dots').fadein(500); if (this.settings.label) this.skitter_box.find('.label_skitter').show(); if (this.settings.navigation) { this.skitter_box.find('.prev_button').fadein(500); this.skitter_box.find('.next_button').fadein(500); } if (self.settings.auto_play) { self.starttime(); } self.windowfocusout(); self.setlinkatual(); self.skitter_box.find('.image > a img').attr({'src': self.getcurrentimage()}); img_link = self.skitter_box.find('.image > a'); img_link = self.resizeimage(img_link); img_link.find('img').fadein(1500); self.setvalueboxtext(); self.showboxtext(); if (self.settings.auto_play) { self.stoponmouseover(); } var mouseoverinit = function() { if (self.settings.stop_over) { init_pause = true; self.settings.is_hover_skitter_box = true; self.cleartimer(true); self.pauseprogressbar(); } }; self.skitter_box.mouseover(mouseoverinit); self.skitter_box.find('.next_button').mouseover(mouseoverinit); if (self.settings.images_links.length > 1 && !init_pause) { if (self.settings.auto_play) { self.timer = settimeout(function() { self.nextimage(); }, self.settings.interval); } } else { self.skitter_box.find('.skitter-spinner, .image_number, .next_button, .prev_button').remove(); } if ($.isfunction(self.settings.onload)) self.settings.onload(self); this.setdimensions(); }, /** * jump to image */ jumptoimage: function(imagenumber) { if (this.settings.is_animating == false) { this.settings.elapsedtime = 0; this.skitter_box.find('.box_clone').stop(); this.cleartimer(true); this.settings.image_i = math.floor(imagenumber); this.skitter_box.find('.image > a').attr({'href': this.settings.link_atual}); this.skitter_box.find('.image_main').attr({'src': this.getcurrentimage()}); this.skitter_box.find('.box_clone').remove(); this.nextimage(); } }, /** * next image */ nextimage: function() { var self = this; animations_functions = this.animations; if (self.settings.progressbar) self.hideprogressbar(); var animation_type; if (this.settings.animation == '' && this.settings.images_links[this.settings.image_i][2]) { animation_type = this.settings.images_links[this.settings.image_i][2]; } else if (this.settings.animation == '') { animation_type = 'default'; } else { animation_type = this.settings.animation; } // animation fixed by window size if (self.settings.responsive) { var window_width = $(window).width(); for (var name in self.settings.responsive) { var item = self.settings.responsive[name]; if (window_width < item.max_width && item.animation) { animation_type = item.animation; break; } } } // randomunique if (animation_type == 'randomsmart') { if (!this.settings.random_ia) { animations_functions.sort(function() { return 0.5 - math.random(); }); this.settings.random_ia = animations_functions; } animation_type = this.settings.random_ia[this.settings.image_i]; } // random else if (animation_type == 'random') { var random_id = parseint(math.random() * animations_functions.length); animation_type = animations_functions[random_id]; } // specific animations else if (self.settings.with_animations.length > 0) { var total_with_animations = self.settings.with_animations.length; if (this.settings._i_animation == undefined) { this.settings._i_animation = 0; } animation_type = self.settings.with_animations[this.settings._i_animation]; ++this.settings._i_animation; if (this.settings._i_animation >= total_with_animations) this.settings._i_animation = 0; } switch (animation_type) { case 'cube' : this.animationcube(); break; case 'cuberandom' : this.animationcube({random:true}); break; case 'block' : this.animationblock(); break; case 'cubestop' : this.animationcubestop(); break; case 'cubestoprandom' : this.animationcubestop({random:true}); break; case 'cubehide' : this.animationcubehide(); break; case 'cubesize' : this.animationcubesize(); break; case 'horizontal' : this.animationhorizontal(); break; case 'showbars' : this.animationshowbars(); break; case 'showbarsrandom' : this.animationshowbars({random:true}); break; case 'tube' : this.animationtube(); break; case 'fade' : this.animationfade(); break; case 'fadefour' : this.animationfadefour(); break; case 'paralell' : this.animationparalell(); break; case 'blind' : this.animationblind(); break; case 'blindheight' : this.animationblinddimension({height:true}); break; case 'blindwidth' : this.animationblinddimension({height:false, time_animate:400, delay:50}); break; case 'directiontop' : this.animationdirection({direction:'top'}); break; case 'directionbottom' : this.animationdirection({direction:'bottom'}); break; case 'directionright' : this.animationdirection({direction:'right', total:5}); break; case 'directionleft' : this.animationdirection({direction:'left', total:5}); break; case 'cubespread' : this.animationcubespread(); break; case 'cubejelly' : this.animationcubejelly(); break; case 'glasscube' : this.animationglasscube(); break; case 'glassblock' : this.animationglassblock(); break; case 'circles' : this.animationcircles(); break; case 'circlesinside' : this.animationcirclesinside(); break; case 'circlesrotate' : this.animationcirclesrotate(); break; case 'cubeshow' : this.animationcubeshow(); break; case 'upbars' : this.animationdirectionbars({direction: 'top'}); break; case 'downbars' : this.animationdirectionbars({direction: 'bottom'}); break; case 'hidebars' : this.animationhidebars(); break; case 'swapbars' : this.animationswapbars(); break; case 'swapbarsback' : this.animationswapbars({easing: 'easeoutback'}); break; case 'swapblocks' : this.animationswapblocks(); break; case 'cut' : this.animationcut(); break; default : this.animationtube(); break; } }, animationcube: function (options) { var self = this; var options = $.extend({}, {random: false}, options || {}); this.settings.is_animating = true; var easing = (this.settings.easing_default == '') ? 'easeoutexpo' : this.settings.easing_default; var time_animate = 700 / this.settings.velocity; this.setactuallevel(); var max_w = self.getmaxw(8); var division_w = math.ceil(this.settings.width_skitter / (this.settings.width_skitter / max_w)); var division_h = math.ceil(this.settings.height_skitter / (this.settings.height_skitter / 3)); var total = division_w * division_h; var width_box = math.ceil(this.settings.width_skitter / division_w); var height_box = math.ceil(this.settings.height_skitter / division_h); var init_top = this.settings.height_skitter + 200; var init_left = this.settings.height_skitter + 200; var col_t = 0; var col = 0; for (i = 0; i < total; i++) { init_top = (i % 2 == 0) ? init_top : -init_top; init_left = (i % 2 == 0) ? init_left : -init_left; var _vtop = init_top + (height_box * col_t) + (col_t * 150); var _vleft = -self.settings.width_skitter; var _vtop_image = -(height_box * col_t); var _vleft_image = -(width_box * col); var _btop = (height_box * col_t); var _bleft = (width_box * col); var box_clone = this.getboxclone(); box_clone.hide(); var delay_time = 50 * (i); if (options.random) { delay_time = 40 * (col); box_clone.css({left:_vleft+'px', top:_vtop+'px', width:width_box, height:height_box}); } else { time_animate = 500; box_clone.css({left:(this.settings.width_skitter) + (width_box * i), top:this.settings.height_skitter + (height_box * i), width:width_box, height:height_box}); } this.addboxclone(box_clone); var callback = (i == (total - 1)) ? function() { self.finishanimation(); } : ''; box_clone.show().delay(delay_time).animate({top:_btop+'px', left:_bleft+'px'}, time_animate, easing, callback); if (options.random) { box_clone.find('img').css({left:_vleft_image+100, top:_vtop_image+50}); box_clone.find('img').delay(delay_time+(time_animate/2)).animate({left:_vleft_image, top:_vtop_image}, 1000, 'easeoutback'); } else { box_clone.find('img').css({left:_vleft_image, top:_vtop_image}); box_clone.find('img').delay(delay_time+(time_animate/2)).fadeto(100, 0.5).fadeto(300, 1); } col_t++; if (col_t == division_h) { col_t = 0; col++; } } }, animationblock: function(options) { var self = this; this.settings.is_animating = true; var easing = (this.settings.easing_default == '') ? 'easeoutquad' : this.settings.easing_default; var time_animate = 500 / this.settings.velocity; this.setactuallevel(); var max_w = self.getmaxw(15); var total = math.ceil(this.settings.width_skitter / (this.settings.width_skitter / max_w)); var width_box = math.ceil(this.settings.width_skitter / total); var height_box = (this.settings.height_skitter); for (i = 0; i < total; i++) { var _bleft = (width_box * (i)); var _btop = 0; var box_clone = this.getboxclone(); box_clone.css({left: this.settings.width_skitter + 100, top:0, width:width_box, height:height_box}); box_clone.find('img').css({left:-(width_box * i)}); this.addboxclone(box_clone); var delay_time = 80 * (i); var callback = (i == (total - 1)) ? function() { self.finishanimation(); } : ''; box_clone.show().delay(delay_time).animate({top:_btop, left:_bleft}, time_animate, easing); box_clone.find('img').hide().delay(delay_time+100).animate({opacity:'show'}, time_animate+300, easing, callback); } }, animationcubestop: function(options) { var self = this; var options = $.extend({}, {random: false}, options || {}); this.settings.is_animating = true; var easing = (this.settings.easing_default == '') ? 'easeinquad' : this.settings.easing_default; var time_animate = 300 / this.settings.velocity; var image_old = this.getoldimage(); this.setactuallevel(); this.setlinkatual(); this.skitter_box.find('.image_main').attr({'src':this.getcurrentimage()}); var max_w = self.getmaxw(8); var max_h = self.getmaxh(8); var division_w = math.ceil(this.settings.width_skitter / (this.settings.width_skitter / max_w)); var division_h = math.ceil(this.settings.height_skitter / (this.settings.width_skitter / max_h)); var total = division_w * division_h; var width_box = math.ceil(this.settings.width_skitter / division_w); var height_box = math.ceil(this.settings.height_skitter / division_h); var init_top = 0; var init_left = 0; var col_t = 0; var col = 0; var _ftop = this.settings.width_skitter / 16; for (i = 0; i < total; i++) { init_top = (i % 2 == 0) ? init_top : -init_top; init_left = (i % 2 == 0) ? init_left : -init_left; var _vtop = init_top + (height_box * col_t); var _vleft = (init_left + (width_box * col)); var _vtop_image = -(height_box * col_t); var _vleft_image = -(width_box * col); var _btop = _vtop - _ftop; var _bleft = _vleft - _ftop; var box_clone = this.getboxcloneimgold(image_old); box_clone.css({left:_vleft+'px', top:_vtop+'px', width:width_box, height:height_box}); box_clone.find('img').css({left:_vleft_image, top:_vtop_image}); this.addboxclone(box_clone); box_clone.show(); var delay_time = 50 * i; if (options.random) { time_animate = (400 * (self.getrandom(2) + 1)) / this.settings.velocity; _btop = _vtop; _bleft = _vleft; delay_time = math.ceil( 30 * self.getrandom(30) ); } if (options.random && i == (total - 1)) { time_animate = 400 * 3; delay_time = 30 * 30; } var callback = (i == (total - 1)) ? function() { self.finishanimation(); } : ''; box_clone.delay(delay_time).animate({opacity:'hide', top:_btop+'px', left:_bleft+'px'}, time_animate, easing, callback); col_t++; if (col_t == division_h) { col_t = 0; col++; } } }, animationcubehide: function(options) { var self = this; this.settings.is_animating = true; var easing = (this.settings.easing_default == '') ? 'easeoutquad' : this.settings.easing_default; var time_animate = 500 / this.settings.velocity; var image_old = this.getoldimage(); this.setactuallevel(); this.setlinkatual(); this.skitter_box.find('.image_main').attr({'src':this.getcurrentimage()}); var max_w = self.getmaxw(8); var division_w = math.ceil(this.settings.width_skitter / (this.settings.width_skitter / max_w)); var division_h = math.ceil(this.settings.height_skitter / (this.settings.height_skitter / 3)); var total = division_w * division_h; var width_box = math.ceil(this.settings.width_skitter / division_w); var height_box = math.ceil(this.settings.height_skitter / division_h); var init_top = 0; var init_left = 0; var col_t = 0; var col = 0; for (i = 0; i < total; i++) { init_top = (i % 2 == 0) ? init_top : -init_top; init_left = (i % 2 == 0) ? init_left : -init_left; var _vtop = init_top + (height_box * col_t); var _vleft = (init_left + (width_box * col)); var _vtop_image = -(height_box * col_t); var _vleft_image = -(width_box * col); var _btop = _vtop - 50; var _bleft = _vleft - 50; var box_clone = this.getboxcloneimgold(image_old); box_clone.css({left:_vleft+'px', top:_vtop+'px', width:width_box, height:height_box}); box_clone.find('img').css({left:_vleft_image, top:_vtop_image}); this.addboxclone(box_clone); box_clone.show(); var delay_time = 50 * i; delay_time = (i == (total - 1)) ? (total * 50) : delay_time; var callback = (i == (total - 1)) ? function() { self.finishanimation(); } : ''; box_clone.delay(delay_time).animate({opacity:'hide'}, time_animate, easing, callback); col_t++; if (col_t == division_h) { col_t = 0; col++; } } }, animationcubejelly: function(options) { var self = this; this.settings.is_animating = true; var easing = (this.settings.easing_default == '') ? 'easeinback' : this.settings.easing_default; var time_animate = 300 / this.settings.velocity; var image_old = this.getoldimage(); this.setactuallevel(); this.setlinkatual(); this.skitter_box.find('.image_main').attr({'src':this.getcurrentimage()}); var max_w = self.getmaxw(8); var division_w = math.ceil(this.settings.width_skitter / (this.settings.width_skitter / max_w)); var division_h = math.ceil(this.settings.height_skitter / (this.settings.height_skitter / 3)); var total = division_w * division_h; var width_box = math.ceil(this.settings.width_skitter / division_w); var height_box = math.ceil(this.settings.height_skitter / division_h); var init_top = 0; var init_left = 0; var col_t = 0; var col = 0; var u = -1; for (i = 0; i < total; i++) { if (col % 2 != 0) { if (col_t == 0) { u = u + division_h + 1; } u--; } else { if (col > 0 && col_t == 0) { u = u + 2; } u++; } init_top = (i % 2 == 0) ? init_top : -init_top; init_left = (i % 2 == 0) ? init_left : -init_left; var _vtop = init_top + (height_box * col_t); var _vleft = (init_left + (width_box * col)); var _vtop_image = -(height_box * col_t); var _vleft_image = -(width_box * col); var _btop = _vtop - 50; var _bleft = _vleft - 50; var box_clone = this.getboxcloneimgold(image_old); box_clone.css({left:_vleft+'px', top:_vtop+'px', width:width_box, height:height_box}); box_clone.find('img').css({left:_vleft_image, top:_vtop_image}); this.addboxclone(box_clone); box_clone.show(); var delay_time = (50 * i); var callback = (i == (total - 1)) ? function() { self.finishanimation(); } : ''; box_clone.delay(delay_time).animate({width:'+=100px', height:'+=100px', top:'-=20px', left: '-=20px', opacity:'hide'}, time_animate, easing, callback); col_t++; if (col_t == division_h) { col_t = 0; col++; } } }, animationcubesize: function(options) { var self = this; this.settings.is_animating = true; var easing = (this.settings.easing_default == '') ? 'easeinoutquad' : this.settings.easing_default; var time_animate = 600 / this.settings.velocity; var image_old = this.getoldimage(); this.setactuallevel(); this.setlinkatual(); this.skitter_box.find('.image_main').attr({'src':this.getcurrentimage()}); var max_w = self.getmaxw(8); var division_w = math.ceil(this.settings.width_skitter / (this.settings.width_skitter / max_w)); var division_h = math.ceil(this.settings.height_skitter / (this.settings.height_skitter / 3)); var total = division_w * division_h; var width_box = math.ceil(this.settings.width_skitter / division_w); var height_box = math.ceil(this.settings.height_skitter / division_h); var init_top = 0; var init_left = 0; var col_t = 0; var col = 0; var _ftop = math.ceil(this.settings.width_skitter / 6); for (i = 0; i < total; i++) { init_top = (i % 2 == 0) ? init_top : -init_top; init_left = (i % 2 == 0) ? init_left : -init_left; var _vtop = init_top + (height_box * col_t); var _vleft = (init_left + (width_box * col)); var _vtop_image = -(height_box * col_t); var _vleft_image = -(width_box * col); var _btop = _vtop - _ftop; var _bleft = _vleft - _ftop; var box_clone = this.getboxcloneimgold(image_old); box_clone.css({left:_vleft, top:_vtop, width:width_box, height:height_box}); box_clone.find('img').css({left:_vleft_image, top:_vtop_image}); this.addboxclone(box_clone); box_clone.show(); var delay_time = 50 * i; var callback = (i == (total - 1)) ? function() { self.finishanimation(); } : ''; box_clone.delay(delay_time).animate({ opacity:'hide',width:'hide',height:'hide',top:_vtop+(width_box*1.5),left:_vleft+(height_box*1.5) }, time_animate, easing, callback); col_t++; if (col_t == division_h) { col_t = 0; col++; } } }, animationhorizontal: function(options) { var self = this; this.settings.is_animating = true; var easing = (this.settings.easing_default == '') ? 'easeoutexpo' : this.settings.easing_default; var time_animate = 700 / this.settings.velocity; this.setactuallevel(); var total = math.ceil(this.settings.width_skitter / (this.settings.width_skitter / 7)); var width_box = (this.settings.width_skitter); var height_box = math.ceil(this.settings.height_skitter / total); for (i = 0; i < total; i++) { var _bleft = (i % 2 == 0 ? '' : '') + width_box; var _btop = (i * height_box); var box_clone = this.getboxclone(); box_clone.css({left:_bleft+'px', top:_btop+'px', width:width_box, height:height_box}); box_clone.find('img').css({left:0, top:-_btop}); this.addboxclone(box_clone); var delay_time = 90 * i; var callback = (i == (total - 1)) ? function() { self.finishanimation(); } : ''; box_clone.delay(delay_time).animate({opacity:'show', top:_btop, left:0}, time_animate, easing, callback); } }, animationshowbars: function(options) { var self = this; var options = $.extend({}, {random: false}, options || {}); this.settings.is_animating = true; var easing = (this.settings.easing_default == '') ? 'easeoutquad' : this.settings.easing_default; var time_animate = 400 / this.settings.velocity; this.setactuallevel(); var max_w = self.getmaxw(10); var total = math.ceil(this.settings.width_skitter / (this.settings.width_skitter / max_w)); var width_box = math.ceil(this.settings.width_skitter / total); var height_box = (this.settings.height_skitter); for (i = 0; i < total; i++) { var _bleft = (width_box * (i)); var _btop = 0; var box_clone = this.getboxclone(); box_clone.css({left:_bleft, top:_btop - 50, width:width_box, height:height_box}); box_clone.find('img').css({left:-(width_box * i), top:0}); this.addboxclone(box_clone); if (options.random) { var random = this.getrandom(total); var delay_time = 50 * random; delay_time = (i == (total - 1)) ? (50 * total) : delay_time; } else { var delay_time = 70 * (i); time_animate = time_animate - (i * 2); } var callback = (i == (total - 1)) ? function() { self.finishanimation(); } : ''; box_clone.delay(delay_time).animate({ opacity:'show', top:_btop+'px', left:_bleft+'px' }, time_animate, easing, callback); } }, animationtube: function(options) { var self = this; this.settings.is_animating = true; var easing = (this.settings.easing_default == '') ? 'easeoutelastic' : this.settings.easing_default; var time_animate = 600 / this.settings.velocity; this.setactuallevel(); var max_w = self.getmaxw(10); var total = math.ceil(this.settings.width_skitter / (this.settings.width_skitter / max_w)); var width_box = math.ceil(this.settings.width_skitter / total); var height_box = this.settings.height_skitter; for (i = 0;i ((total / 2) - 1)) { delay_time = ((i - (total / 2)) * 200); } delay_time = delay_time / 2.5; var callback = (i == (total - 1)) ? function() { self.finishanimation(); } : ''; box_clone.delay(delay_time).animate({ top:_btop+'px', left:_bleft+'px', opacity: 'show' }, time_animate, easing, callback); } }, animationblind: function(options) { var self = this; var options = $.extend({}, {height: false}, options || {}); this.settings.is_animating = true; var easing = (this.settings.easing_default == '') ? 'easeoutquad' : this.settings.easing_default; var time_animate = 400 / this.settings.velocity; this.setactuallevel(); var max_w = 16; // self.getmaxw(16); // @todo complex var total = math.ceil(this.settings.width_skitter / (this.settings.width_skitter / max_w)); var width_box = math.ceil(this.settings.width_skitter / total); var height_box = this.settings.height_skitter; for (i = 0; i < total; i++) { var _bleft = (width_box * (i)); var _btop = 0; var box_clone = this.getboxclone(); box_clone.css({left:_bleft, top:_btop, width:width_box, height:height_box}); box_clone.find('img').css({left:-(width_box * i), top:0}); this.addboxclone(box_clone); var delay_time; if (!options.height) { if (i <= ((total / 2) - 1)) { delay_time = 1400 - (i * 200); } else if (i > ((total / 2) - 1)) { delay_time = ((i - (total / 2)) * 200); } var callback = (i == (total - 1)) ? function() { self.finishanimation(); } : ''; } else { if (i <= ((total / 2) - 1)) { delay_time = 200 + (i * 200); } else if (i > ((total / 2) - 1)) { delay_time = (((total / 2) - i) * 200) + (total * 100); } var callback = (i == (total / 2)) ? function() { self.finishanimation(); } : ''; } delay_time = delay_time / 2.5; if (!options.height) { box_clone.delay(delay_time).animate({ opacity:'show',top:_btop+'px', left:_bleft+'px', width:'show' }, time_animate, easing, callback); } else { time_animate = time_animate + (i * 2); var easing = 'easeoutquad'; box_clone.delay(delay_time).animate({ opacity:'show',top:_btop+'px', left:_bleft+'px', height:'show' }, time_animate, easing, callback); } } }, animationblinddimension: function(options) { var self = this; var options = $.extend({}, {height: true, time_animate: 500, delay: 100}, options || {}); this.settings.is_animating = true; var easing = (this.settings.easing_default == '') ? 'easeoutquad' : this.settings.easing_default; var time_animate = options.time_animate / this.settings.velocity; this.setactuallevel(); var max_w = self.getmaxw(16); var total = math.ceil(this.settings.width_skitter / (this.settings.width_skitter / max_w)); var width_box = math.ceil(this.settings.width_skitter / total); var height_box = this.settings.height_skitter; for (i = 0; i < total; i++) { var _bleft = (width_box * (i)); var _btop = 0; var box_clone = this.getboxclone(); box_clone.css({left:_bleft, top:_btop, width:width_box, height:height_box}); box_clone.find('img').css({left:-(width_box * i), top:0}); this.addboxclone(box_clone); var delay_time = options.delay * i; var callback = (i == (total - 1)) ? function() { self.finishanimation(); } : ''; if (!options.height) { box_clone.delay(delay_time).animate({ opacity:'show',top:_btop+'px', left:_bleft+'px', width:'show' }, time_animate, easing, callback); } else { var easing = 'easeoutquad'; box_clone.delay(delay_time).animate({ opacity:'show',top:_btop+'px', left:_bleft+'px', height:'show' }, time_animate, easing, callback); } } }, animationdirection: function(options) { var self = this; var max_w = self.getmaxw(7); var options = $.extend({}, {direction: 'top', delay_type: 'sequence', total: max_w}, options || {}); this.settings.is_animating = true; var easing = (this.settings.easing_default == '') ? 'easeinoutexpo' : this.settings.easing_default; var time_animate = 1200 / this.settings.velocity; var image_old = this.getoldimage(); this.setactuallevel(); this.setlinkatual(); this.skitter_box.find('.image_main').attr({'src':this.getcurrentimage()}); this.skitter_box.find('.image_main').hide(); var total = options.total; for (i = 0; i < total; i++) { switch (options.direction) { default : case 'top' : var width_box = math.ceil(this.settings.width_skitter / total); var height_box = this.settings.height_skitter; var _itopc = 0; var _ileftc = (width_box * i); var _ftopc = -height_box; var _fleftc = _ileftc; var _itopn = height_box; var _ileftn = _ileftc; var _ftopn = 0; var _fleftn = _ileftc; var _vtop_image = 0; var _vleft_image = -_ileftc; break; case 'bottom' : var width_box = math.ceil(this.settings.width_skitter / total); var height_box = this.settings.height_skitter; var _itopc = 0; var _ileftc = (width_box * i); var _ftopc = height_box; var _fleftc = _ileftc; var _itopn = -height_box; var _ileftn = _ileftc; var _ftopn = 0; var _fleftn = _ileftc; var _vtop_image = 0; var _vleft_image = -_ileftc; break; case 'right' : var width_box = this.settings.width_skitter; var height_box = math.ceil(this.settings.height_skitter / total); var _itopc = (height_box * i); var _ileftc = 0; var _ftopc = _itopc; var _fleftc = width_box; var _itopn = _itopc; var _ileftn = -_fleftc; var _ftopn = _itopc; var _fleftn = 0; var _vtop_image = -_itopc; var _vleft_image = 0; break; case 'left' : var width_box = this.settings.width_skitter; var height_box = math.ceil(this.settings.height_skitter / total); var _itopc = (height_box * i); var _ileftc = 0; var _ftopc = _itopc; var _fleftc = -width_box; var _itopn = _itopc; var _ileftn = -_fleftc; var _ftopn = _itopc; var _fleftn = 0; var _vtop_image = -_itopc; var _vleft_image = 0; break; } switch (options.delay_type) { case 'zebra' : default : var delay_time = (i % 2 == 0) ? 0 : 150; break; case 'random' : var delay_time = 30 * (math.random() * 30); break; case 'sequence' : var delay_time = i * 100; break; } var box_clone = this.getboxcloneimgold(image_old); box_clone.find('img').css({left:_vleft_image, top:_vtop_image}); box_clone.css({top:_itopc, left:_ileftc, width:width_box, height:height_box}); this.addboxclone(box_clone); box_clone.show(); box_clone.delay(delay_time).animate({ top:_ftopc, left:_fleftc }, time_animate, easing); // next image var box_clone_next = this.getboxclone(); box_clone_next.find('img').css({left:_vleft_image, top:_vtop_image}); box_clone_next.css({top:_itopn, left:_ileftn, width:width_box, height:height_box}); this.addboxclone(box_clone_next); box_clone_next.show(); var callback = (i == (total - 1)) ? function() { self.finishanimation(); } : ''; box_clone_next.delay(delay_time).animate({ top:_ftopn, left:_fleftn }, time_animate, easing, callback); } }, animationcubespread: function(options) { var self = this; this.settings.is_animating = true; var easing = (this.settings.easing_default == '') ? 'easeoutquad' : this.settings.easing_default; var time_animate = 700 / this.settings.velocity; this.setactuallevel(); var max_w = self.getmaxw(8); var max_h = self.getmaxh(8); var division_w = math.ceil(this.settings.width_skitter / (this.settings.width_skitter / max_w)); var division_h = math.ceil(this.settings.height_skitter / (this.settings.width_skitter / max_h)); var total = division_w * division_h; var width_box = math.ceil(this.settings.width_skitter / division_w); var height_box = math.ceil(this.settings.height_skitter / division_h); var init_top = 0; var init_left = 0; var col_t = 0; var col = 0; var order = new array; var spread = new array; // make order for (i = 0; i < total; i++) { init_top = (i % 2 == 0) ? init_top : -init_top; init_left = (i % 2 == 0) ? init_left : -init_left; var _vtop = init_top + (height_box * col_t); var _vleft = (init_left + (width_box * col)); order[i] = [_vtop, _vleft]; col_t++; if (col_t == division_h) { col_t = 0; col++; } } // reset col and col_t col_t = 0; col = 0; // make array for spread for (i = 0; i < total; i++) { spread[i] = i; }; // shuffle array var spread = self.shufflearray(spread); for (i = 0; i < total; i++) { init_top = (i % 2 == 0) ? init_top : -init_top; init_left = (i % 2 == 0) ? init_left : -init_left; var _vtop = init_top + (height_box * col_t); var _vleft = (init_left + (width_box * col)); var _vtop_image = -(height_box * col_t); var _vleft_image = -(width_box * col); var _btop = _vtop; var _bleft = _vleft; _vtop = order[spread[i]][0]; _vleft = order[spread[i]][1]; var box_clone = this.getboxclone(); box_clone.css({left:_vleft+'px', top:_vtop+'px', width:width_box, height:height_box}); box_clone.find('img').css({left:_vleft_image, top:_vtop_image}); this.addboxclone(box_clone); var delay_time = 30 * (math.random() * 30); if (i == (total-1)) delay_time = 30 * 30; var callback = (i == (total - 1)) ? function() { self.finishanimation(); } : ''; box_clone.delay(delay_time).animate({opacity:'show',top:_btop+'px', left:_bleft+'px'}, time_animate, easing, callback); col_t++; if (col_t == division_h) { col_t = 0; col++; } } }, animationglasscube: function(options) { var self = this; this.settings.is_animating = true; var easing = (this.settings.easing_default == '') ? 'easeoutexpo' : this.settings.easing_default; var time_animate = 500 / this.settings.velocity; this.setactuallevel(); var max_w = self.getmaxw(10); var total = math.ceil(this.settings.width_skitter / (this.settings.width_skitter / max_w)) * 2; var width_box = math.ceil(this.settings.width_skitter / total) * 2; var height_box = (this.settings.height_skitter) / 2; var col = 0; for (i = 0; i < total; i++) { mod = (i % 2) == 0 ? true : false; var _ileft = (width_box * (col)); var _itop = (mod) ? -self.settings.height_skitter : self.settings.height_skitter; var _fleft = (width_box * (col)); var _ftop = (mod) ? 0 : (height_box); var _bleft = -(width_box * col); var _btop = (mod) ? 0 : -(height_box); var delay_time = 120 * col; var box_clone = this.getboxclone(); box_clone.css({left: _ileft, top:_itop, width:width_box, height:height_box}); box_clone .find('img') .css({left: _bleft + (width_box / 1.5), top: _btop}) .delay(delay_time) .animate({left: _bleft, top: _btop}, (time_animate * 1.9), 'easeoutquad'); this.addboxclone(box_clone); var callback = (i == (total - 1)) ? function() { self.finishanimation(); } : ''; box_clone.show().delay(delay_time).animate({top:_ftop, left:_fleft}, time_animate, easing, callback); if ((i % 2) != 0) col++; } }, animationglassblock: function(options) { var self = this; this.settings.is_animating = true; var easing = (this.settings.easing_default == '') ? 'easeoutexpo' : this.settings.easing_default; var time_animate = 700 / this.settings.velocity; this.setactuallevel(); var max_w = self.getmaxw(10); var total = math.ceil(this.settings.width_skitter / (this.settings.width_skitter / max_w)); var width_box = math.ceil(this.settings.width_skitter / total); var height_box = (this.settings.height_skitter); for (i = 0; i < total; i++) { var _ileft = (width_box * (i)); var _itop = 0; var _fleft = (width_box * (i)); var _ftop = 0; var _bleft = -(width_box * (i)); var _btop = 0; var delay_time = 100 * i; var box_clone = this.getboxclone(); box_clone.css({left: _ileft, top:_itop, width:width_box, height:height_box}); box_clone .find('img') .css({left: _bleft + (width_box / 1.5), top: _btop}) .delay(delay_time) .animate({left: _bleft, top: _btop}, (time_animate * 1.1), 'easeinoutquad'); this.addboxclone(box_clone); var callback = (i == (total - 1)) ? function() { self.finishanimation(); } : ''; box_clone.delay(delay_time).animate({top:_ftop, left:_fleft, opacity: 'show'}, time_animate, easing, callback); } }, animationcircles: function(options) { var self = this; this.settings.is_animating = true; var easing = (this.settings.easing_default == '') ? 'easeinquad' : this.settings.easing_default; var time_animate = 500 / this.settings.velocity; this.setactuallevel(); var total = math.ceil(this.settings.width_skitter / (this.settings.width_skitter / 10)); var size_box = this.settings.height_skitter; var radius = math.sqrt(math.pow((this.settings.width_skitter), 2) + math.pow((this.settings.height_skitter), 2)); var radius = math.ceil(radius); var callbackfn = function () { self.skitter_box.find('.box_clone').remove(); self.finishanimation(); } for (i = 0; i < total; i++) { var _ileft = (self.settings.width_skitter / 2) - (size_box / 2); var _itop = (self.settings.height_skitter / 2) - (size_box / 2); var _fleft = _ileft; var _ftop = _itop; var box_clone = null; box_clone = this.getboxclonebackground({ image: self.getcurrentimage(), left: _ileft, top: _itop, width: size_box, height: size_box, position: { top: -_itop, left: -_ileft } }).skittercss3({ 'border-radius': radius+'px' }); size_box += 200; this.addboxclone(box_clone); var delay_time = 70 * i; var callback = (i == (total - 1)) ? callbackfn : ''; box_clone.delay(delay_time).animate({top: _ftop, left: _fleft, opacity: 'show'}, time_animate, easing, callback); } }, animationcirclesinside: function(options) { var self = this; this.settings.is_animating = true; var easing = (this.settings.easing_default == '') ? 'easeinquad' : this.settings.easing_default; var time_animate = 500 / this.settings.velocity; var image_old = this.getoldimage(); this.setactuallevel(); this.setlinkatual(); this.skitter_box.find('.image_main').attr({'src':this.getcurrentimage()}); var total = math.ceil(this.settings.width_skitter / (this.settings.width_skitter / 10)); var radius = math.sqrt(math.pow((this.settings.width_skitter), 2) + math.pow((this.settings.height_skitter), 2)); var radius = math.ceil(radius); var size_box = radius; for (i = 0; i < total; i++) { var _ileft = (self.settings.width_skitter / 2) - (size_box / 2); var _itop = (self.settings.height_skitter / 2) - (size_box / 2); var _fleft = _ileft; var _ftop = _itop; var box_clone = null; box_clone = this.getboxclonebackground({ image: image_old, left: _ileft, top: _itop, width: size_box, height: size_box, position: { top: -_itop, left: -_ileft } }).skittercss3({ 'border-radius': radius+'px' }); size_box -= 200; this.addboxclone(box_clone); box_clone.show(); var delay_time = 70 * i; var callback = (i == (total - 1)) ? function() { self.finishanimation(); } : ''; box_clone.delay(delay_time).animate({top: _ftop, left: _fleft, opacity: 'hide'}, time_animate, easing, callback); } }, // obs.: animacao com problemas, igual ao animationcirclesinside // @todo usar css3 para rotate animationcirclesrotate: function(options) { var self = this; this.settings.is_animating = true; var easing = (this.settings.easing_default == '') ? 'easeinquad' : this.settings.easing_default; var time_animate = 500 / this.settings.velocity; var image_old = this.getoldimage(); this.setactuallevel(); this.setlinkatual(); this.skitter_box.find('.image_main').attr({'src':this.getcurrentimage()}); var total = math.ceil(this.settings.width_skitter / (this.settings.width_skitter / 10)); var radius = math.sqrt(math.pow((this.settings.width_skitter), 2) + math.pow((this.settings.height_skitter), 2)); var radius = math.ceil(radius); var size_box = radius; for (i = 0; i < total; i++) { var _ileft = (self.settings.width_skitter / 2) - (size_box / 2); var _itop = (self.settings.height_skitter / 2) - (size_box / 2); var _fleft = _ileft; var _ftop = _itop; var box_clone = null; box_clone = this.getboxcloneimgold(image_old); box_clone.css({left: _ileft, top:_itop, width:size_box, height:size_box}).skittercss3({ 'border-radius': radius+'px' }); box_clone.find('img').css({left: -_ileft, top: -_itop}); size_box -= 300; this.addboxclone(box_clone); box_clone.show(); var delay_time = 200 * i; var callback = (i == (total - 1)) ? function() { self.finishanimation(); } : ''; var _rotate = (i % 2 == 0) ? '+=2deg' : '+=2deg'; box_clone.delay(delay_time).animate({ top: _ftop, left: _fleft, opacity: 'hide' }, time_animate, easing, callback); } }, animationcubeshow: function(options) { var self = this; this.settings.is_animating = true; var easing = (this.settings.easing_default == '') ? 'easeoutquad' : this.settings.easing_default; var time_animate = 400 / this.settings.velocity; this.setactuallevel(); var max_w = self.getmaxw(8); var max_h = 4; var division_w = math.ceil(this.settings.width_skitter / (this.settings.width_skitter / max_w)); var division_h = math.ceil(this.settings.height_skitter / (this.settings.height_skitter / max_h)); var total = division_w * division_h; var width_box = math.ceil(this.settings.width_skitter / division_w); var height_box = math.ceil(this.settings.height_skitter / division_h); var last = false; var _btop = 0; var _bleft = 0; var line = 0; var col = 0; for (i = 0; i < total; i++) { _btop = height_box * line; _bleft = width_box * col; var delay_time = 30 * (i); var box_clone = this.getboxclone(); box_clone.css({left:_bleft, top:_btop, width:width_box, height:height_box}).hide(); box_clone.find('img').css({left:-_bleft, top:-_btop}); this.addboxclone(box_clone); var callback = (i == (total - 1)) ? function() { self.finishanimation(); } : ''; box_clone.delay(delay_time).animate({width:'show', height:'show'}, time_animate, easing, callback); line++; if (line == division_h) { line = 0; col++; } } }, animationdirectionbars: function(options) { var self = this; var options = $.extend({}, {direction: 'top'}, options || {}); this.settings.is_animating = true; var easing = (this.settings.easing_default == '') ? 'easeinoutquad' : this.settings.easing_default; var time_animate = 400 / this.settings.velocity; var image_old = this.getoldimage(); this.setactuallevel(); this.setlinkatual(); this.skitter_box.find('.image_main').attr({'src':this.getcurrentimage()}); var max_w = self.getmaxw(12); var total = max_w; var width_box = math.ceil(this.settings.width_skitter / total); var height_box = this.settings.height_skitter; var _ftop = (options.direction == 'top') ? -height_box : height_box; for (i = 0; i < total; i++) { var _vtop = 0; var _vleft = (width_box * i); var _vtop_image = 0; var _vleft_image = -(width_box * i); var box_clone = this.getboxcloneimgold(image_old); box_clone.css({left:_vleft+'px', top:_vtop+'px', width:width_box, height:height_box}); box_clone.find('img').css({left:_vleft_image, top:_vtop_image}); this.addboxclone(box_clone); box_clone.show(); var delay_time = 70 * i; var callback = (i == (total - 1)) ? function() { self.finishanimation(); } : ''; box_clone.delay(delay_time).animate({top:_ftop}, time_animate, easing, callback); } }, animationhidebars: function(options) { var self = this; var options = $.extend({}, {random: false}, options || {}); this.settings.is_animating = true; var easing = (this.settings.easing_default == '') ? 'easeoutcirc' : this.settings.easing_default; var time_animate = 700 / this.settings.velocity; var image_old = this.getoldimage(); this.setactuallevel(); this.setlinkatual(); this.skitter_box.find('.image_main').attr({'src':this.getcurrentimage()}); var max_w = self.getmaxw(10); var division_w = math.ceil(this.settings.width_skitter / (this.settings.width_skitter / max_w)); var total = division_w; var width_box = math.ceil(this.settings.width_skitter / division_w); var height_box = this.settings.height_skitter; var callbackfn = function () { self.skitter_box.find('.box_clone').remove(); self.finishanimation(); } for (i = 0; i < total; i++) { var _vtop = 0; var _vleft = width_box * i; var _vtop_image = 0; var _vleft_image = -(width_box * i); var _fleft = '+='+width_box; var box_clone = this.getboxcloneimgold(image_old); box_clone.css({left:0, top:0, width:width_box, height:height_box}); box_clone.find('img').css({left:_vleft_image, top:_vtop_image}); var box_clone_main = this.getboxcloneimgold(image_old); box_clone_main.css({left:_vleft+'px', top:_vtop+'px', width:width_box, height:height_box}); box_clone_main.html(box_clone); this.addboxclone(box_clone_main); box_clone.show(); box_clone_main.show(); var delay_time = 50 * i; var callback = (i == (total - 1)) ? callbackfn : ''; box_clone.delay(delay_time).animate({left:_fleft}, time_animate, easing, callback); } }, animationswapbars: function(options) { var self = this; var max_w = self.getmaxw(7); var options = $.extend({}, {direction: 'top', delay_type: 'sequence', total: max_w, easing: 'easeoutcirc'}, options || {}); this.settings.is_animating = true; var easing = (this.settings.easing_default == '') ? options.easing : this.settings.easing_default; var time_animate = 500 / this.settings.velocity; var image_old = this.getoldimage(); this.setactuallevel(); this.setlinkatual(); this.skitter_box.find('.image_main').attr({'src':this.getcurrentimage()}); this.skitter_box.find('.image_main').hide(); var total = options.total; for (i = 0; i < total; i++) { var width_box = math.ceil(this.settings.width_skitter / total); var height_box = this.settings.height_skitter; var _itopc = 0; var _ileftc = (width_box * i); var _ftopc = -height_box; var _fleftc = _ileftc + width_box ; var _itopn = height_box; var _ileftn = _ileftc; var _ftopn = 0; var _fleftn = _ileftc; var _vtop_image = 0; var _vleft_image = -_ileftc; switch (options.delay_type) { case 'zebra' : default : var delay_time = (i % 2 == 0) ? 0 : 150; break; case 'random' : var delay_time = 30 * (math.random() * 30); break; case 'sequence' : var delay_time = i * 100; break; } // old image var box_clone = this.getboxcloneimgold(image_old); box_clone.find('img').css({left:_vleft_image, top:0}); box_clone.css({top:0, left:0, width:width_box, height:height_box}); // next image var box_clone_next = this.getboxclone(); box_clone_next.find('img').css({left:_vleft_image, top:0}); box_clone_next.css({top:0, left:-width_box, width:width_box, height:height_box}); // container box images var box_clone_container = this.getboxclone(); box_clone_container.html('').append(box_clone).append(box_clone_next); box_clone_container.css({top:0, left:_ileftc, width:width_box, height:height_box}); // add containuer this.addboxclone(box_clone_container); // show boxes box_clone_container.show(); box_clone.show(); box_clone_next.show(); // callback var callback = (i == (total - 1)) ? function() { self.finishanimation(); } : ''; // animations box_clone.delay(delay_time).animate({ left: width_box }, time_animate, easing); box_clone_next.delay(delay_time).animate({ left:0 }, time_animate, easing, callback); } }, animationswapblocks: function(options) { var self = this; var options = $.extend({}, {easing_old: 'easeinoutquad', easing_new: 'easeoutquad'}, options || {}); this.settings.is_animating = true; var easing_old = (this.settings.easing_default == '') ? options.easing_old : this.settings.easing_default; var easing_new = (this.settings.easing_default == '') ? options.easing_new : this.settings.easing_default; var time_animate = 800 / this.settings.velocity; var image_old = this.getoldimage(); this.setactuallevel(); this.setlinkatual(); this.skitter_box.find('.image_main').attr({'src':this.getcurrentimage()}); this.skitter_box.find('.image_main').hide(); var total = 2; var width_box = this.settings.width_skitter; var height_box = math.ceil(this.settings.height_skitter / total); // old image var box_clone1 = this.getboxcloneimgold(image_old), box_clone2 = this.getboxcloneimgold(image_old); box_clone1.find('img').css({left:0, top:0}); box_clone1.css({top:0, left:0, width:width_box, height:height_box}); box_clone2.find('img').css({left:0, top:-height_box}); box_clone2.css({top:height_box, left:0, width:width_box, height:height_box}); // next image var box_clone_next1 = this.getboxclone(), box_clone_next2 = this.getboxclone(); box_clone_next1.find('img').css({left:0, top:height_box}); box_clone_next1.css({top:0, left:0, width:width_box, height:height_box}); box_clone_next2.find('img').css({left:0, top: -(height_box * total) }); box_clone_next2.css({top:height_box, left:0, width:width_box, height:height_box}); // add boxes this.addboxclone(box_clone_next1); this.addboxclone(box_clone_next2); this.addboxclone(box_clone1); this.addboxclone(box_clone2); // show boxes box_clone1.show(); box_clone2.show(); box_clone_next1.show(); box_clone_next2.show(); // callback var callback = function() { self.finishanimation(); }; // animations box_clone1.find('img').animate({ top: height_box }, time_animate, easing_old, function() { box_clone1.remove(); }); box_clone2.find('img').animate({ top: -(height_box * total) }, time_animate, easing_old, function() { box_clone2.remove(); }); box_clone_next1.find('img').animate({ top: 0 }, time_animate, easing_new); box_clone_next2.find('img').animate({ top: -height_box }, time_animate, easing_new, callback); }, animationcut: function(options) { var self = this; var options = $.extend({}, {easing_old: 'easeinoutexpo', easing_new: 'easeinoutexpo'}, options || {}); this.settings.is_animating = true; var easing_old = (this.settings.easing_default == '') ? options.easing_old : this.settings.easing_default; var easing_new = (this.settings.easing_default == '') ? options.easing_new : this.settings.easing_default; var time_animate = 900 / this.settings.velocity; var image_old = this.getoldimage(); this.setactuallevel(); this.setlinkatual(); this.skitter_box.find('.image_main').attr({'src':this.getcurrentimage()}); this.skitter_box.find('.image_main').hide(); var total = 2; var width_box = this.settings.width_skitter; var height_box = math.ceil(this.settings.height_skitter / total); // old image var box_clone1 = this.getboxcloneimgold(image_old), box_clone2 = this.getboxcloneimgold(image_old); box_clone1.find('img').css({left:0, top:0}); box_clone1.css({top:0, left:0, width:width_box, height:height_box}); box_clone2.find('img').css({left:0, top:-height_box}); box_clone2.css({top:height_box, left:0, width:width_box, height:height_box}); // next image var box_clone_next1 = this.getboxclone(), box_clone_next2 = this.getboxclone(); //box_clone_next1.find('img').css({left:0, top:height_box}); box_clone_next1.find('img').css({left:0, top:0}); box_clone_next1.css({top:0, left:width_box, width:width_box, height:height_box}); //box_clone_next2.find('img').css({left:0, top: -(height_box * total) }); box_clone_next2.find('img').css({left:0, top: -height_box }); box_clone_next2.css({top:height_box, left:-width_box, width:width_box, height:height_box}); // add boxes this.addboxclone(box_clone_next1); this.addboxclone(box_clone_next2); this.addboxclone(box_clone1); this.addboxclone(box_clone2); // show boxes box_clone1.show(); box_clone2.show(); box_clone_next1.show(); box_clone_next2.show(); // callback var callback = function() { self.finishanimation(); }; // animations box_clone1.animate({ left: -width_box }, time_animate, easing_old, function() { box_clone1.remove(); }); box_clone2.animate({ left: width_box }, time_animate, easing_old, function() { box_clone2.remove(); }); box_clone_next1.animate({ left: 0 }, time_animate, easing_new); box_clone_next2.animate({ left: 0 }, time_animate, easing_new, callback); }, // end animations ---------------------- // finish animation finishanimation: function (options) { var self = this; this.skitter_box.find('.image_main').show(); this.showboxtext(); this.settings.is_animating = false; this.skitter_box.find('.image_main').attr({'src': this.getcurrentimage()}); this.skitter_box.find('.image > a').attr({'href': this.settings.link_atual}); if (!this.settings.is_hover_skitter_box && !this.settings.is_paused && !this.settings.is_blur) { this.timer = settimeout(function() { self.completemove(); }, this.settings.interval); } self.starttime(); }, // complete move completemove: function () { this.cleartimer(true); this.skitter_box.find('.box_clone').remove(); if (!this.settings.is_paused && !this.settings.is_blur) this.nextimage(); }, // actual config for animation setactuallevel: function() { if ($.isfunction(this.settings.imageswitched)) this.settings.imageswitched(this.settings.image_i, this); this.setimagelink(); this.addclassnumber(); this.hideboxtext(); this.increasingimage(); }, // set image and link setimagelink: function() { var name_image = this.settings.images_links[this.settings.image_i][0]; var link_image = this.settings.images_links[this.settings.image_i][1]; var label_image = this.settings.images_links[this.settings.image_i][3]; var target_link = this.settings.images_links[this.settings.image_i][4]; this.settings.image_atual = name_image; this.settings.link_atual = link_image; this.settings.label_atual = label_image; this.settings.target_atual = target_link; }, // add class for number addclassnumber: function () { var self = this; this.skitter_box.find('.image_number_select').removeclass('image_number_select'); $('#image_n_'+(this.settings.image_i+1)+'_'+self.number_skitter).addclass('image_number_select'); }, // increment image_i increasingimage: function() { this.settings.image_i++; if (this.settings.image_i == this.settings.images_links.length) { this.settings.image_i = 0; } }, // get box clone getboxclone: function() { if (this.settings.link_atual != '#') { var img_clone = $(''); img_clone.attr({ 'target': this.settings.target_atual }); } else { var img_clone = $(''); } img_clone = this.resizeimage(img_clone); var box_clone = $('
    '); box_clone.append(img_clone); return box_clone; }, // get box clone getboxcloneimgold: function(image_old) { if (this.settings.link_atual != '#') { var img_clone = $(''); img_clone.attr({ 'target': this.settings.target_atual }); } else { var img_clone = $(''); } img_clone = this.resizeimage(img_clone); var box_clone = $('
    '); box_clone.append(img_clone); return box_clone; }, // redimensiona imagem resizeimage: function(img_clone) { img_clone.find('img').width(this.settings.width_skitter); img_clone.find('img').height(this.settings.height_skitter); return img_clone; }, // add box clone in skitter_box addboxclone: function(box_clone) { this.skitter_box.find('.container_skitter').append(box_clone); }, // get accepts easing geteasing: function(easing) { var easing_accepts = [ 'easeinquad', 'easeoutquad', 'easeinoutquad', 'easeincubic', 'easeoutcubic', 'easeinoutcubic', 'easeinquart', 'easeoutquart', 'easeinoutquart', 'easeinquint', 'easeoutquint', 'easeinoutquint', 'easeinsine', 'easeoutsine', 'easeinoutsine', 'easeinexpo', 'easeoutexpo', 'easeinoutexpo', 'easeincirc', 'easeoutcirc', 'easeinoutcirc', 'easeinelastic', 'easeoutelastic', 'easeinoutelastic', 'easeinback', 'easeoutback', 'easeinoutback', 'easeinbounce', 'easeoutbounce', 'easeinoutbounce', ]; if (jquery.inarray(easing, easing_accepts) > 0) { return easing; } else { return ''; } }, // get random number getrandom: function (i) { return math.floor(math.random() * i); }, // set value for text setvalueboxtext: function () { this.skitter_box.find('.label_skitter').html(this.settings.label_atual); }, // show box text showboxtext: function () { var self = this; if ( this.settings.label_atual != undefined && this.settings.label_atual != '' && self.settings.label ) { switch ( self.settings.label_animation ) { case 'slideup' : default : self.skitter_box.find('.label_skitter').slidedown(400); break; case 'left' : case 'right' : self.skitter_box.find('.label_skitter').animate({ left: 0 }, 400, 'easeinoutquad'); break; case 'fixed' : // null break; } } }, // hide box text hideboxtext: function () { var self = this; switch ( self.settings.label_animation ) { case 'slideup' : default : this.skitter_box.find('.label_skitter').slideup(200, function() { self.setvalueboxtext(); }); break; case 'left' : case 'right' : var _left = ( self.settings.label_animation == 'left' ) ? -(self.skitter_box.find('.label_skitter').outerwidth()) : (self.skitter_box.find('.label_skitter').outerwidth()); self.skitter_box.find('.label_skitter').animate({ left: _left }, 400, 'easeinoutquad', function() { self.setvalueboxtext(); }); break; case 'fixed' : self.setvalueboxtext(); break; } }, // stop time to get over skitter_box stoponmouseover: function () { var self = this; if ( self.settings.stop_over ) { self.skitter_box.hover(function() { if (self.settings.stop_over) self.settings.is_hover_skitter_box = true; if (!self.settings.is_paused_time) { self.pausetime(); } self.sethidetools('hover'); self.cleartimer(true); }, function() { if (self.settings.stop_over) self.settings.is_hover_skitter_box = false; if (self.settings.elapsedtime == 0 && !self.settings.is_animating && !self.settings.is_paused) { self.starttime(); } else if (!self.settings.is_paused) { self.resumetime(); } self.sethidetools('out'); self.cleartimer(true); if (!self.settings.is_animating && self.settings.images_links.length > 1) { self.timer = settimeout(function() { self.completemove(); }, self.settings.interval - self.settings.elapsedtime); self.skitter_box.find('.image_main').attr({'src': self.getcurrentimage()}); self.skitter_box.find('.image > a').attr({'href': self.settings.link_atual}); } }); } else { self.skitter_box.hover(function() { self.sethidetools('hover'); }, function() { self.sethidetools('out'); }); } }, // hover/out hidetools sethidetools: function( type ) { var self = this; var opacity_elements = self.settings.opacity_elements; var interval_in_elements = self.settings.interval_in_elements; var interval_out_elements = self.settings.interval_out_elements; if ( type == 'hover' ) { if (self.settings.hide_tools) { if (self.settings.numbers) { self.skitter_box .find('.info_slide') .show() .css({opacity:0}) .animate({opacity: opacity_elements}, interval_in_elements); } if (self.settings.navigation) { self.skitter_box .find('.prev_button, .next_button') .show() .css({opacity:0}) .animate({opacity: opacity_elements}, interval_in_elements); } if (self.settings.focus && !self.settings.foucs_active) { self.skitter_box .find('.focus_button') .stop() .show().css({opacity:0}) .animate({opacity:opacity_elements}, interval_in_elements); } if (self.settings.controls) { self.skitter_box .find('.play_pause_button') .stop() .show().css({opacity:0}) .animate({opacity:opacity_elements}, interval_in_elements); } } if (self.settings.focus && !self.settings.foucs_active && !self.settings.hide_tools) { self.skitter_box .find('.focus_button') .stop() .animate({opacity:1}, interval_in_elements); } if (self.settings.controls && !self.settings.hide_tools) { self.skitter_box .find('.play_pause_button') .stop() .animate({opacity:1}, interval_in_elements); } } else { if (self.settings.hide_tools) { if (self.settings.numbers) { self.skitter_box .find('.info_slide') .queue("fx", []) .show() .css({opacity: opacity_elements}) .animate({opacity:0}, interval_out_elements); } if (self.settings.navigation) { self.skitter_box .find('.prev_button, .next_button') .queue("fx", []) .show() .css({opacity: opacity_elements}) .animate({opacity:0}, interval_out_elements); } if (self.settings.focus && !self.settings.foucs_active) { self.skitter_box .find('.focus_button') .stop() .css({opacity: opacity_elements}) .animate({opacity:0}, interval_out_elements); } if (self.settings.controls) { self.skitter_box .find('.play_pause_button') .stop() .css({opacity: opacity_elements}) .animate({opacity:0}, interval_out_elements); } } if (self.settings.focus && !self.settings.foucs_active && !self.settings.hide_tools) { self.skitter_box .find('.focus_button') .stop() .animate({opacity:0.3}, interval_out_elements); } if (self.settings.controls && !self.settings.hide_tools) { self.skitter_box .find('.play_pause_button') .stop() .animate({opacity:0.3}, interval_out_elements); } } }, // stop timer cleartimer: function (force) { var self = this; clearinterval(self.timer); }, // set link atual setlinkatual: function() { if (this.settings.link_atual != '#' && this.settings.link_atual != '') { this.skitter_box.find('.image > a').attr({'href': this.settings.link_atual, 'target': this.settings.target_atual}); } else { this.skitter_box.find('.image > a').removeattr('href'); } }, // hide tools hidetools: function() { this.skitter_box.find('.info_slide').fadeto(0, 0); this.skitter_box.find('.prev_button').fadeto(0, 0); this.skitter_box.find('.next_button').fadeto(0, 0); this.skitter_box.find('.focus_button').fadeto(0, 0); this.skitter_box.find('.play_pause_button').fadeto(0, 0); }, // focus skitter focusskitter: function() { var self = this; var focus_button = $('focus'); self.skitter_box.append(focus_button); focus_button .animate({opacity:0.3}, self.settings.interval_in_elements); $(document).keypress(function(e) { var code = (e.keycode ? e.keycode : e.which); if (code == 27) $('#overlay_skitter').trigger('click'); }); var _top = self.skitter_box.offset().top; var _left = self.skitter_box.offset().left; self.skitter_box.find('.focus_button').click(function() { if ( self.settings.foucs_active ) return false; self.settings.foucs_active = true; $(this).stop().animate({opacity:0}, self.settings.interval_out_elements); var div = $('
    ') .height( $(document).height() ) .hide() .fadeto(self.settings.interval_in_elements, 0.98); var _topfinal = (($(window).height() - self.skitter_box.height()) / 2) + $(document).scrolltop(); var _leftfinal = ($(window).width() - self.skitter_box.width()) / 2; self.skitter_box.before('
    '); $('body').prepend(div); $('body').prepend(self.skitter_box); self.skitter_box .css({'top':_top, 'left':_left, 'position':'absolute', 'z-index':9999}) .animate({'top':_topfinal, 'left':_leftfinal}, 2000, 'easeoutexpo'); $('#mark_position') .width(self.skitter_box.width()) .height(self.skitter_box.height()) .css({'background':'none'}) .fadeto(300,0.3); return false; }); $(document).on('click', '#overlay_skitter', function() { if ( $(this).hasclass('finish_overlay_skitter') ) return false; self.settings.foucs_active = false; $(this).addclass('finish_overlay_skitter'); if (!self.settings.hide_tools) self.skitter_box.find('.focus_button').animate({opacity:0.3}, 200); self.skitter_box .stop() .animate({'top':_top, 'left':_left}, 200, 'easeoutexpo', function() { $('#mark_position').before(self.skitter_box); $(this).css({'position':'relative', 'top':0, 'left': 0}); $('#mark_position').remove(); }); $('#overlay_skitter').fadeto(self.settings.interval_out_elements, 0, function() { $(this).remove(); }); return false; }); }, /** * controls: play and stop */ setcontrols: function() { var self = this; var play_pause_button = $('pause'); self.skitter_box.append(play_pause_button); play_pause_button .animate({opacity:0.3}, self.settings.interval_in_elements); play_pause_button.click(function() { if (!self.settings.is_paused) { $(this).html('play'); $(this).fadeto(100, 0.5).fadeto(100, 1); $(this).addclass('play_button'); self.pausetime(); self.settings.is_paused = true; self.cleartimer(true); } else { if (!self.settings.is_animating && !self.skitter_box.find('.progressbar').is(':visible')) { self.settings.elapsedtime = 0; } else { self.resumetime(); } if (!self.settings.progressbar) self.resumetime(); self.settings.is_paused = false; $(this).html('pause'); $(this).fadeto(100, 0.5).fadeto(100, 1); $(this).removeclass('play_button'); if (!self.settings.stop_over) { self.cleartimer(true); if (!self.settings.is_animating && self.settings.images_links.length > 1) { self.timer = settimeout(function() { self.completemove(); }, self.settings.interval - self.settings.elapsedtime); self.skitter_box.find('.image_main').attr({'src': self.getcurrentimage()}); self.skitter_box.find('.image > a').attr({'href': self.settings.link_atual}); } } } return false; }); }, /** * object size */ objectsize: function(obj) { var size = 0, key; for (key in obj) { if (obj.hasownproperty(key)) size++; } return size; }, /** * add progress bar */ addprogressbar: function() { var self = this; var progressbar = $('
    '); self.skitter_box.append(progressbar); if (self.objectsize(self.settings.progressbar_css) == 0) { if (parseint(progressbar.css('width')) > 0) { self.settings.progressbar_css.width = parseint(progressbar.css('width')); } else { self.settings.progressbar_css = {width: self.settings.width_skitter, height:5}; } } if (self.objectsize(self.settings.progressbar_css) > 0 && self.settings.progressbar_css.width == undefined) { self.settings.progressbar_css.width = self.settings.width_skitter; } progressbar.css(self.settings.progressbar_css).hide(); }, /** * start progress bar */ startprogressbar: function() { var self = this; if (self.settings.is_hover_skitter_box || self.settings.is_paused || self.settings.is_blur || !self.settings.progressbar) return false; self.skitter_box.find('.progressbar') .hide() .dequeue() .width(self.settings.progressbar_css.width) .animate({width:'show'}, self.settings.interval, 'linear'); }, /** * pause progress bar */ pauseprogressbar: function() { var self = this; if (!self.settings.is_animating) { self.skitter_box.find('.progressbar').stop(); } }, /** * resume progress bar */ resumeprogressbar: function() { var self = this; if (self.settings.is_hover_skitter_box || self.settings.is_paused || !self.settings.progressbar) return false; self.skitter_box.find('.progressbar').dequeue().animate({width: self.settings.progressbar_css.width}, (self.settings.interval - self.settings.elapsedtime), 'linear'); }, /** * hide progress bar */ hideprogressbar: function() { var self = this; if (!self.settings.progressbar) return false; self.skitter_box.find('.progressbar').stop().fadeout(300, function() { $(this).width(self.settings.progressbar_css.width); }); }, /** * start time */ starttime: function() { var self = this; self.settings.is_paused_time = false; var date = new date(); self.settings.elapsedtime = 0; self.settings.time_start = date.gettime(); // start progress bar self.startprogressbar(); }, /** * pause time */ pausetime: function() { var self = this; if (self.settings.is_paused_time) return false; self.settings.is_paused_time = true; var date = new date(); self.settings.elapsedtime += date.gettime() - self.settings.time_start; // pause progress bar self.pauseprogressbar(); }, /** * resume time */ resumetime: function() { var self = this; self.settings.is_paused_time = false; var date = new date(); self.settings.time_start = date.gettime(); // resume progress bar self.resumeprogressbar(); }, /** * enable navigation keys */ enablenavigationkeys: function() { var self = this; $(window).keydown(function(e) { // next if (e.keycode == 39 || e.keycode == 40) { self.skitter_box.find('.next_button').trigger('click'); } // prev else if (e.keycode == 37 || e.keycode == 38) { self.skitter_box.find('.prev_button').trigger('click'); } }); }, /** * get box clone with background image */ getboxclonebackground: function(options) { var box_clone = $('
    '); var background_size = this.settings.width_skitter + 'px ' + this.settings.height_skitter + 'px'; box_clone.css({ 'left': options.left, 'top': options.top, 'width': options.width, 'height': options.height, 'background-image': 'url('+options.image+')', 'background-size': background_size, 'background-position': options.position.left+'px '+options.position.top+'px' }); return box_clone; }, /** * shuffle array * @author daniel castro machado */ shufflearray: function (arrayorigem) { var self = this; var arraydestino = []; var indice; while (arrayorigem.length > 0) { indice = self.randomunique(0, arrayorigem.length - 1); arraydestino[arraydestino.length] = arrayorigem[indice]; arrayorigem.splice(indice, 1); } return arraydestino; }, /** * gera números aleatórios inteiros entre um intervalo * @author daniel castro machado */ randomunique: function (valorini, valorfim) { var numrandom; do numrandom = math.random(); while (numrandom == 1); // evita gerar o número valorfim + 1 return (numrandom * (valorfim - valorini + 1) + valorini) | 0; }, /** * stop on window focus out * @author dan partac (http://thiagosf.net/projects/jquery/skitter/#comment-355473307) */ windowfocusout: function () { var self = this; $(window).bind('blur', function(){ self.settings.is_blur = true; self.pausetime(); self.cleartimer(true); }); $(window).bind('focus', function(){ if ( self.settings.images_links.length > 1 ) { self.settings.is_blur = false; if (self.settings.elapsedtime == 0) { self.starttime(); } else { self.resumetime(); } if (self.settings.elapsedtime <= self.settings.interval) { self.cleartimer(true); // fix bug ie: double next self.timer = settimeout(function() { self.completemove(); }, self.settings.interval - self.settings.elapsedtime); self.skitter_box.find('.image_main').attr({'src': self.getcurrentimage()}); self.skitter_box.find('.image > a').attr({'href': self.settings.link_atual}); } } }); }, /** * responsive */ setresponsive: function() { if (this.settings.responsive) { var self = this; var timeout = null; $(window).on('resize', function() { cleartimeout(timeout); timeout = settimeout(function() { self.setdimensions(); }, 200); }).trigger('resize'); } }, /** * set skitter dimensions */ setdimensions: function() { var self = this; var was_set = false; this.skitter_box.css('width', '100%'); this.skitter_box.find('.image_main') .attr({ src: this.getcurrentimage() }) .css({ 'width': '100%', 'height': 'auto' }) .on('load', function() { if (!was_set) { was_set = true; _setdimensions(); } }); // fallback settimeout(function() { if (!was_set) { was_set = true; _setdimensions(); } }, 3000); var _setdimensions = function() { var image = self.skitter_box.find('.image_main'); var width_box = self.skitter_box.width(); var height_box = self.skitter_box.height(); var width_image = image.width(); var height_image = image.height(); var width = width_box; var height = (height_image * width_box) / width_image; if (self.settings.fullscreen) { width = $(window).width(); height = $(window).height(); } self.settings.width_skitter = width; self.settings.height_skitter = height; self.skitter_box .width(width) .height(height) .find('.container_skitter') .width(width) .height(height) .find('> a img, > img') .width(width) .height(height); }; }, /** * check is large device */ islargedevice: function() { return $(window).width() >= 1024; }, /** * max width splits (responsive friendly) */ getmaxw: function(max_w) { // 8 == 1024px // x == 768px // y == 480px // z == 320px if (this.settings.responsive) { var window_width = $(window).width(); if (window_width <= 320) { max_w = parseint(max_w / 4); } else if (window_width <= 480) { max_w = parseint(max_w / 3); } else if (window_width <= 768) { max_w = parseint(max_w / 1.5); } } return max_w; }, /** * max height splits (responsive friendly) */ getmaxh: function(max_h) { return this.getmaxw(max_h); }, /** * get current image */ getcurrentimage: function() { var image = this.settings.image_atual; return this.getimagename(image); }, /** * get old image */ getoldimage: function() { var image = this.skitter_box.find('.image_main').attr('src'); return image; }, /** * get image name for responsive (if enabled) */ getimagename: function(image) { var window_width = $(window).width(); if (this.settings.responsive) { for (var name in this.settings.responsive) { var item = this.settings.responsive[name]; if (window_width < item.max_width && item.suffix) { var extension = image.split('.').reverse()[0]; image = image.replace('.' + extension, item.suffix + '.' + extension); break; } } } return image; }, /** * touches support */ settouchsupport: function() { var self = this; var last_position_x = 0; var last_position_x_move = 0; var istouch = (('ontouchstart' in window) || (navigator.msmaxtouchpoints > 0)); if (istouch) { this.skitter_box.on('touchstart', function(e) { if (e.originalevent.touches.length > 0) { last_position_x = e.originalevent.touches[0].pagex; } }); this.skitter_box.on('touchmove', function(e) { if (e.originalevent.touches.length > 0) { last_position_x_move = e.originalevent.touches[0].pagex; } }); this.skitter_box.on('touchend', function(e) { if (last_position_x < last_position_x_move) { self.skitter_box.find('.prev_button').trigger('click'); } else { self.skitter_box.find('.next_button').trigger('click'); } }); } }, /** * get available animations (public api) */ getanimations: function() { return this.animations; }, /** * set animation (public api) */ setanimation: function(animation) { this.settings.animation = animation; }, /** * next (public api) */ next: function() { this.skitter_box.find('.next_button').trigger('click'); }, /** * prev (public api) */ prev: function() { this.skitter_box.find('.prev_button').trigger('click'); } }); /** * helper function for cross-browser css3 support, prepends * all possible prefixes to all properties passed in * @param {object} props ker/value pairs of css3 properties */ $.fn.skittercss3 = function(props) { var css = {}; var prefixes = ['moz', 'ms', 'o', 'webkit']; for(var prop in props) { for(var i=0; i